Glenn Ingram


Cartography & Planning Portfolio

Glenn Ingram Cartography

Cartography, GIS, Urban & Environmental Planning Portfolio

Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding

This project, undertaken at the University of Arizona School of Landscape Architecture and Planning, identified and mapped communities at risk of sea-level rise flooding. Cities at risk showed significant current flood hazards and a high population density. This map specifically looked at density in New York City and the FEMA 100-year floodplain. Mapping both of these pieces of data illustrated risk based on flood zones and high population.

Better map design allows for more precise communication of data and greater accessibility. The intent of this project was to use bold color gradients and simple, clear labeling to convey the map theme - a correlation between population density and flooding. The hope being this map would be easy to understand, regardless of background or previous experience with flooding.

This map won the 2021 Arizona Geographic Council Student Maps & Poster competition.


New York City 100-Year Floodplain, 2021

Canadian Wildfire Frequency

Commissioned by Eric Kennedy of York University, this map utilizes the entirety of the Candian National Fire Database fire point dataset. The map uses a hexagonal pattern to illustrate fire frequency for Canada, spanning from 1950 to 2020. Each hexagon, representing 500sq kilometers, counts the number of fires that fell within the shape. The map illustrates how topography, region, and climate are drivers of fire behavior.

The map shaded relief was created in Blender 3D, hexagons in ArcGIS Pro, and designed in Adobe Illustrator. Data from Canadian National Fire Database.


Seventy Years of Canadian Wildfire, 2022

Museum Fire and Flood Modeling

This environmental modeling project used AZ NAIP LiDAR Data to create a three-dimensional mesh and model within Blender 3D software. The Flagstaff Museum fire and flood were ideal for utilizing 3D mapping due to the two related events being driven by elevation and topography.

This workflow started with .laz files, converted them to a raster, then normalized pixel values for use within Blender. In Blender, the pixel values were used to create a 3D mesh and a hillshade, using texture and displacement tools.


Museum Fire and Flood, 3D Map, 2021

A number of different map elements related to the events were combined into a single poster - including the 3D map, topo map, and fire and flood maps.


Museum Fire and Flood, Poster Map, 2021

Mapping Historic Natural Disasters

These maps captured historical natural disasters by exploring the intersection of environmental planning and cartography. Maps were completed as part of CAPLA coursework, using an ArcGIS Pro to Adobe Illustrator workflow.

The first, a Tohoku Earthquake map, looks at the extent of the 2011 earthquake in Japan and cities at risk.


Tohoku Earthquake, 2021

The second map looks at the extent of the 1988 Yellowstone Fires in Wyoming. The 88’ Yellowstone Fires are significant in their impact on fire science and ecology and their influence on the public’s perception of wildfires.


1988 Yellowstone Fires, 2021

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